1 January 2024
It's summer in Australia, and for so many of us that means heading to the water to cool down and relax.
The nation's beaches draw thousands to our coastlines over the holiday period to enjoy the sun and surf, not to mention the sand that manages to find its way into the car where it's almost impossible to get rid of.
For those of us in rural and regional areas, the beach is a few hour's drive away, so it's our inland waterways that provide the backdrop to some fun in the sun with family and friends over the next little while.
Whether it's a family picnic on the riverbank, water skiing on an inland dam, swimming with mates at the lake, or heading out for a day of fishing, our inland waterways are a hive of activity over the summer months.
But unlike the beach, there are usually no lifeguards on patrol to help people it they get into trouble.
Following the tragic drownings we've seen since Christmas, I'm encouraging anyone who might be heading to rural and regional waterways in the New Year, including travellers who might be visiting our wonderful regions over the holidays to keep a few safety tips in mind.
One of the main things to remember is to simply stay safe, and that means being prepared, and knowing your risks.
The still surface of a river or dam can often fool people into thinking it's harmless, but sometimes there are hidden dangers lurking under the water such as submerged objects, and fast-flowing currents.
Be aware of slippery banks and uneven surfaces, sudden changed in depth, as well as rapid changes in water temperatures.
Remember, too, that mobile phone reception may be patchy in remote spots, so help may not be as close at hand as you expect.
If you can, it's a good idea to always swim with a mate, wear a lifejacket where necessary, and just be mindful of your alcohol intake in and around the water.
The main thing is to look out for each other, especially the littlies. Kids can get into trouble very quickly, and when there are a lot of people about, it can be tricky keeping track of everyone, so making sure children are properly supervised is vital.
By staying vigilant and taking responsibility, for ourselves, and others we can make these summer holidays memorable for all the right reasons.
Published: The Daily Telegraph - Pg 19 - OPINION - 1st January 2024