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  • Writer's pictureSteph Cooke MP


30 May 2024

Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has called into question the integrity of the Murrumbidgee Local Health District’s (MLHD) draft Health Service Plan for the Cootamundra Hospital, and is now calling on the government to release all documents associated with the creation of the plan.

It follows what Ms Cooke describes as the health district’s farcical ‘community consultation’ process, including an evening information session which she says, was nothing more than a box ticking exercise.

“The MLHD’s so-called community consultation session on Tuesday night gave true meaning to the term ‘schemozzle’,” Ms Cooke said.
“Not only was it held at a time when MLHD staff knew full-well the local councillors would be an hour away in Gundagai at their regular monthly meeting, the session was poorly advertised, there wasn’t enough seating at the venue which meant many older residents were forced to stand, and let’s face it, 6pm on a weeknight isn’t really a family friendly hour to hold a meeting.

“Copies of the plan were nowhere to be seen, the MLHD representatives didn’t introduce themselves and didn’t appear to be taking notes as people tried to have their voices heard, which was made more difficult due to a lack of audio equipment.

“I have never experienced such disrespect for our community, especially on a matter of such importance to our people and our future.

“It was a slap in the face frankly, for the people that turned up on a cold weekday evening with an earnest wish to have their say and provide feedback and input,” she said.

Ms Cooke said the meeting made clear the MLHD has no real interest in community input, and no genuine concern for what’s in the best interests of the town and its surrounding areas and as a result, the MLHD’s claims of ‘stakeholder engagement’ have been brought into doubt, with questions now about exactly how much of the document actually reflects community sentiment and needs.

“Far from answering the community’s concerns or taking their feedback, the meeting has called into question not only the integrity of the draft plan, but the integrity of the entire process that has led us to this point,” Ms Cooke said.


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